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Release Notes for XSplit Gamecaster 1.6 (1.6.1404.0218)

1.6.1404.0218 - Release notes:

Please refer to the FAQ for general questions on usage:

Supported operating systems

Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1

For hardware and software requirements, see further details here:

Internet connection

Requires Internet connectivity and HTTPS / HTTP port 80/8080 to be open

For live streaming on lowest settings, a minimum upload speed of 500 Kbps is required

Known limitations:

For a list of bugs being worked on see Known Issues section. For other general known limitations see list below.

Improvements/New Features (1.5.1403.1907 -> 1.6.1404.0218)

- GCT-XXXX - Camera response is made faster after first use

- GCT-1535 - Introduced  option to allow to configure HDMI or component video (for AVermedia C875, Elgato Game Capture HD)

- GCT-1306 - Support Hauppauge HD-PVR and HD-PVR2 models (beta)

- GCT-1135 - Added timer when stream or recording is started

- GCT-843 -  progress indication while splash screen loading

- GCT-653 - Pause recording function via button or hotkey

- GCT-1604 - File splitting for recordings are is never done unless needed (FAT32)  (for verification)

- GCT-1442 - Add warning when old Elgato driver versions encountered (for verification)

- GCT-1168 - Create detection for missing MFP (Media Feature Pack) (for verification)

Fixes (1.5.1403.1907 -> 1.6.1404.0218)

- GCT-XXXX - Inaccurate mouse coordinates when windows is running high DPI mode scale (>100%)

- GCT-XXXX - Transparent parts of overlay appears in grey for Minecraft and a few other OGL games when running on Intel Graphics.

- GCT-1644 - HELP link on the console viewer overlay does not work

- GCT-1614 - DVR setting is always disabled for YouTube Live event

- GCT-1611 - "Remember my choice" on the confirmation dialog remains enabled when user clicked the Restore Defaults button

- GCT-1609 - Default width of External Settings is different from the minimum width

- GCT-1606 - Console Viewer dropdown re-adjusts the elements on the Start tab when the list has 6+ items

- GCT-1600 - Benchmarking UI is still displayed when the Console Viewer is reopened

- GCT-1595 - Some emoticons on Twitch chat are displayed with incomplete HTML tags

- GCT-1590 - YouTube Live username in external settings form streaming statistics disappears on connection interruption while streaming

- GCT-1589 - UStream fixes - viewer count, sync displayed channel name according to XBC

- GCT-1588 - Issue after selecting "Decklink Video Capture" as camera

- GCT-1587 - Trim trailing spaces on textboxes for Custom RTMP

- GCT-1586 - Notice dialog may fail to resize to correct width

- GCT-1584 - Start tab stats may display negative CPU usage value

- GCT-1583 - Position of recordings list can be adjusted by dragging the Recordings Location button

- GCT-1582 - Start Tab displays that HW Encoder is in-use even if codec selected is x264

- GCT-1581 - Status label does not display to "AWAITING CONFIRMATION" when the confirmation dialogs are open

- GCT-1579 - Support for occasional 4 digit number in FPS label

- GCT-1563 - When going to overlay first time the cursor is sometimes missing

- GCT-1562 - Capture card added to console viewer may not be the selected card on the list

- GCT-1559 - Clicking "Remember my choice" text in the confirm streaming/recording settings dialog does not check the checkbox

- GCT-1557 - Camera preview is displayed over the confirmation dialog on the overlay

- GCT-1556 - Notice dialog contents are draggable

- GCT-1539 - If resolution get lowered in manual mode recording or streaming a warning growl is not shown

- GCT-1538 - Recordings tab does not update when removing USB drive

- GCT-1532 - Position of watermark indicator is always at the bottom of the status label

- GCT-1525 - Camera preview may be displayed over the gray overlay on the external settings when the purchase point is open

- GCT-1519 - 'Error -302 when loading url' error message on YouTube and Google+ authentication window (when email link is clicked)

- GCT-1503 - Fixed illogical button choices in 'Activate account' prompt

- GCT-1487 - Help tips for annotation is missing "Shift" tip

- GCT-1379 - Modal window not closed/hidden if overlay is deactivated

- GCT-1208 - Pinned icon (i.e. taskbar) missing after update

- GCT-982 - UI of toolbar "windows" can close while being used

- GCT-1630 - HELP link on the overlay does not automatically login user on the forum page (for verification)

- GCT-1216 - CPU usage may increase over time (for verification)

- GCT-1127 - Key presses are ignored in various scenarios (for verification)

Known Issues (1.6.1404.0218)




- GCT- 1671 - Mic input is not synced with webcam delay in console capture mode (will be fixed in next update)

- GCT-1381 - Starcraft 2 crashes on multiple overlay toggles (in most case this may require 30+ quick successive toggles)


- GCT-XXXX - Pixelation and inconsistent FPS with HD-PVR (mostly happens on HD-PVR resolutions below 720p

- GCT-XXXX - Triggering the pause may take time before fully taking effect (only affects some systems)

- GCT-1564 - Mouse drag'n'drop action in overlay, changes game mouse behavior in Scorched 3D

- GCT-1279 - Special characters (Including Japanese, Chinese and Korean) are not accepted on in-game overlay input boxes

- GCT-1241 - Some static texts are not translated

- GCT-XXXX - Issues with some Japanese client games

-- MapleStory (in-game keyboard input due to game’s security tool)

- GCT-XXXX - Issues with some Chinese client games

-- Huntworld (missing cursor in overlay)


- GCT-1658 - Bottom part of the HDPVR2 output is extended on the console viewer

- GCT-1657 - HDPVR output occasionally "bounces" when source is less than 720p

- GCT-1656 - Exception occurs when user attempts to login after cancelling Windows sign-out action

- GCT-1653 - Default position of the Twitch chat viewers list can be clipped

- GCT-1636 - Re-uploading a VOD to YouTube fails if the description or title includes a single quote (')

- GCT-1634 - Authentication on OAuth windows in the overlay halts when game loses focus

- GCT-1624 - Window for XSplit.Gamecaster.GS64.exe may be visible upon extending monitor display

- GCT-1623 - Unable to control the overlay cursor on the game - The Cat Lady

- GCT-1612 - HTML entities included on the Ustream channel name are automatically displayed as special characters on the Ustream pre-stream dialog

- GCT-1551 - "Captcha" text is condensed and unreadable

- GCT-1498 - Some elements on the overlay are cropped when the console viewer is displayed on default resolution

- GCT-1209 - Selecting French(Caribbean) as keyboard layout causes an exception

- GCT-1129 - Some translated texts exceeds space provided

- GCT-961 - Chroma key slider feels sluggish



If you are looking for the release notes of the previous version, please look here.  

To see how issues are prioritized, kindly click here.